

FCA Community Ministry is the off-campus opportunity to reach coaches and athletes through the club and recreational sport environment. Our goal is to impact our community and establish on-going ministry for coaches and athletes to compete for Jesus Christ with character, passion and excellence.

Why Community Ministry?

With the majority of athletes playing sports in the community (non-campus programs), FCA is ministering to the club, recreational and youth sports teams with the goal of establishing on-going ministry for coaches and athletes to compete for Jesus Christ with character, passion and excellence.

Is the Lord calling you to partner with 
West Central Florida FCA Community Ministry?

Get Involved

Volunteers may serve in various capacities in order to help FCA realize our vision. Volunteer roles require a volunteer application and background check as part of the affirmation process. We want you to join our team and serve your community.


If the Lord has placed it on your heart to give to the Community Ministry, we want to steward your gift well! Your gift will help fund the staff working in the community and so that they can pour their gifts and time right back into the community.


Virtual Heart + Soul Banquet 2020

This year, our annual Heart + Soul Banquet 

is going VIRTUAL! 

Save the Date // Premiering Oct. 6, 2020

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